Mesin Injeksi Beton Otomatis untuk injeksi Epoxy tipe BDLF QY 99.
Spesifikasi Mesin Injeksi Epoxy BDLF QY99
Maximum output pressure 10000psi
Pressure of starting again less than 7500psi
Safe range of high-pressure hose less than 12000psi
Safe range of switch valve less than 10000psi
Drill 550 Watt
Info Harga dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
CV.Pasti Jaya Yogyakarta
Jl. Matraman No. 68 Rt. 05 Rw. 50 Gondangan, Maguwoharjo
Depok, Sleman -Yogyakarta (Depan RS. Hermina)
Telp. 0274-2800494 Fax. 0274-2800323
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